Detroit Dreams

While Detroit has a long history of migration and now hosts thousands of refugees and immigrants, the growing community of African asylum-seekers remains largely unnoticed. There is a great number of Africans now resettling in Detroit through Freedom House, one of the only shelters in the country providing pro-bono housing, legal, and social services to those fleeing persecution and seeking asylum in the United States. The word spreads fast, and most people hear about the shelter through other Africans they meet when they first arrive in the country.

Unlike resettled refugees from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan whose stories we often hear about in the media, asylum-seekers in the United States are not given financial support from the government when they arrive, and their legal status remains undecided for years. These photos explore the ongoing impact of the asylum-seeking process on individuals—the echoes of forced migration and trauma, a future of newness and uncertainty.


Building upon Detroit's long history of migration and hosting refugees, there is a growing community of asylum-seekers from the African continent rebuilding their lives and finding rich opportunities to stay.

*some names and faces concealed to preserve anonymity